LPJ – Grand Prix France-Hong Kong: the 7 Winning Teams
Grand Prix France-Hong Kong: Baseline among the winning teams
We are delighted to share that Baseline is among the winning teams, as our team won the Grand Prix France-Hong Kong in the category of sustainable development!
At Baseline, our team is determined to keep improving together our environmental impact.
By innovating sustainable lighting design strategies for retail and hospitality sectors, we reduce lighting power consumption (<30W/m2) & carbon footprint.
Through this Grand Prix in the Sustainable Development category, we share our environmental focus and determination to make sustainable projects everyone’s goal.
We would like to thank the Jury Alliance Française de Hong Kong French Chamber in Hong Kong French May Arts Festival 法國五月藝術節 Emilie Tran and
the sponsors Veolia, Bouygues Construction, and Societe Generale for the Grand-Prix and the appreciation of our project.
Société Générale Award (Sustainable Development): Boris Duhamel and the Baseline team for their eco-friendly solutions for the luxury retail industry
Baseline is an eco-friendly & multicultural lighting expert company created by a French operating in Hong Kong, Asia, and France. Main characteristics of the project are:
1) the creation of artistic and intelligent solutions,
2) education of the market in green design,
3) help to reduce consumption and energy costs for stores
Discover the winners from all categories in Didier Pujol’s article on Le Petit Journal
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